Testimonials, Part 2

My buddy who'd yet to write a testimonial came through, if after the deadline. It's a doozy and had me laughing. I'd say better late than never, but it's more than that. Better late and better than wait, nevermind...

Sorry for the delay:
Having known Chef Rick for nearly 30 years, I can confidently say two things about him. First, he absolutely loves engaging, albeit briefly, in high-concept, some would say avant garde, projects which typically leave his friends slightly bewildered. Oh, and he likes peppers and onions a bit more than the average person.

You know, don't you worry about that delay. This is the sort of write-up that garners forgiveness and forgetness. I mean, I'm not sure it's been 30 years, but who's counting? Also, I think I like onions and peppers a bit more than a bit more than the average person.

I'll never forget the time we ate that late-night, 9-alarm chili on fake hot dogs. There were so many habaneros involved I couldn't feel my hands for a day or so after making it. Youth and booze being the sorts of influences that tell you to tell yourself, "yeah, I can't feel my hands, but we should eat it anyway".


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